Our Company Values
For those who are looking for financial advice, we realize the available options are many and deciding who to work with is a challenging problem. Listed below are our Company Values which we hope will give you a better understanding of how we operate.
- People Matter – We believe that each person is innately valuable and worthy of respect and honor. We believe that relationships matter and that business is relational, top to bottom. People First, Money Second is a priority statement that places people and relationships ahead of financial matters.
- Integrity Matters – We believe that integrity and truth matter. We believe we need to conduct our business in such a way that we are “above reproach. We believe suitability and ethical practices come from placing a high value on other people and their needs before our own.
- Communication Matters – We believe that communication with our client partners builds and maintains the trust that is necessary for business relationships to reach their full potential. We believe that our client partners deserve the type of communication that is frequent, timely, truthful, & relevant.
- Service Matters – We believe that good service is practical and that great service is necessary in the pursuit of business excellence. We will pursue perfection and in so doing “catch a little excellence along the way.” (Vince Lombardi)

Philip McKellar
Financial Entrepreneur & President of McKellar & Company (MAC) Inc.
Philip believes in safe options for your money while allowing it to work hard for you right now. Traditional planning says lock it up, to where you cant access until down the road. McKellar thinks there are better options.
McKellar spent most of his life training and preparing in Athletics where he played College and Professional Basketball. For the past 28 years, he has worked Pastoring churches. During that time McKellar simultaneously begins to study wealth management and began managing, recruiting, enrolling in seminars, and researching relevant money management tactics.
McKellar’s passion and knowledge are to help individuals achieve a lucrative retirement by exploring new and better ideas outside the traditional strategies.

Tracy Leonard
Tracy has a passion for helping people succeed in Retirement. He believes in putting the clients needs first and designing a plan based on their risk profile, while considering where they are in their retirement journey. His opinion, there is a distinct difference between the accumulation phase for retirement (building your nest egg) and the decumulation phase (Retirement Red Zone) that is often overlooked by Traditional practices. He strongly feels, there is a time to build and then protect your money so you will never run out of income during your retirement years, when you need it the most.
Tracy spent 15 years in various IT Corporate leadership roles, leading very large organizations before moving into the Financial industry. His unique perspective allows him to understand the fears & uncertainties clients face, while building a retirement nest-egg. Tracy holds and Master of Science Degree from the School of Engineering, University of Arkansas. He continues to immerse himself in the study of retirement strategies where he is better prepared to serve his clients.